UniServ Director – WEAC Region 3 : Wisconsin

Wisconsin Education Association Council

Wisconsin Education Association Council

UniServ Director
WEAC Region 3

Based in Green Bay, WI

Job Title: UniServ Director, WEAC Region 3
Location: Green Bay, WI
Classification: Professional Staff, Category III

WEAC Region 3 is seeking applicants for the position of full-time UniServ Director. Minorities and females are encouraged to apply.

Background on the UniServ Unit
WEAC Region 3 represents more than 4,000 public school employees in northeast Wisconsin. The UniServ headquarters building is located in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

WEAC Region 3 is made up of 100+ locals (teacher and ESP), and currently employs three UniServ Professional Staff and two Associate Staff.

Job Duties
Assist member locals in matters of:

  • Organizing
    • Membership recruitment, promotion and development
    • Contribute significantly to the development of the strategic campaign planning/message, incorporate campaign message into 1:1 communications; draft and design basic leaflets, newsletters and other communication methods
    • Conduct 1:1 organizing through home and work site visits to accurately assess and recruit supporters, leaders, and potential members
    • Develop and execute organizing plans with clear goals, strategies and bench marks
    • Assist member locals in identifying and executing issue campaigns
    • Bargaining unit recertification
  • Advocacy
    • Develop Professional rights and responsibilities committees in member locals
    • Provide counsel, advice, and representation to individuals in member locals
    • Represent individuals in job-related termination or nonrenewal conferences and unemployment compensation hearings
    • Assist members on plans of improvement.
  • Leadership Development
    • Identify and develop new member leaders and activists
    • Planning and developing regional and local programs
  • Other
    • Public relations
    • Political and legislative matters
    • Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or WEAC Region 3 Board, consistent with the job description and professional expectations


  • Experience with the following types of employers is highly significant: labor unions, progressive issue advocacy organizations, community organizations, educational institutions, political campaigns and staff of elected officials
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills, including exhibiting and promoting open, honest, and direct communications
  • Ability to practice and encourage teamwork, collaboration, and consensus decision-making
  • Experience as an association leader in education (local, UniServ, state or national) or other public or private sector unions
  • Experience in grievance processing/rights arbitration including case presentation (preferred)
  • Knowledge of school law, school finance, and educational issues (preferred)
  • Computer literacy and Microsoft Office skills
  • Ability to promote and adhere to the policies adopted by the WEAC Region 3 Board and Representative Assembly
  • Ability to maintain the confidentiality of individual member(s) concerns in a professional and confidential manner
  • Willingness and ability to commit the time and energy necessary to meet the extensive demands of the job, including working long, irregular hours on evenings and occasional weekends
  • BA required (MA preferred)
  • Valid driver’s license and ability to travel as necessary

Salary and Fringe Benefits: Competitive salary as negotiated between United Employers Association and the United Staff Union Professional Staff (Category 3). Fringes include, but are not limited to, health, dental, life, vision and long-term disability insurance; liberal retirement package; vacation/sick/personal leave; training funds.

Deadline for Applications: A person interested in applying for this position should submit a letter of application, resume, and the names of two references, no later than 5:00 p.m., Friday, February 14, 2020.

Beginning Date & Location of Employment: As soon as possible; WEAC Region 3 office, Green Bay, WI.

To Apply
Submit Applications To:

WEAC Region 3
ATTN: Dean DeBroux
1136 N Military Ave
Green Bay, WI 54303
(Reference: WEAC Region 3 UniServ Director)


WHEN APPLYING: Be sure to indicate that you saw this information at UNIONJOBS.COM.

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Job Posting Courtesy of UnionJobs.com

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