Administrative Support Staff : New Jersey
Health Professional and Allied Employees
Administrative Support Staff
Based in Emerson, NJ
The Health Professionals and Allied Employees (HPAE) is seeking a full-time Support Staff employee who will work at our Emerson, NJ office. HPAE is a progressive health care union with a dynamic and successful organizing program; membership has tripled in the last nine years. We currently represent 13,000 nurses and other health care professionals in 22 union locals.
Computer literacy and technical abilities are required, as well as strong interpersonal and communication skills. Experience as a secretarial employee is preferred.
Salary & Benefits
Excellent salary and benefits. Across-the-board increases and seniority increments are provided each year as provided by the staff union contract. There is an excellent benefit package, including health and pension benefits and tuition reimbursement.
To Apply
Fax résumé to: 201-262-4335 or email:
WHEN APPLYING: Be sure to indicate that you saw this information at UNIONJOBS.COM.
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