Community Organizers : California

SEIU UHW West, United Healthcare Workers West

United Healthcare Workers West

Community Organizers

Based in Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Jose, CA

Do you want to fix California’s broken healthcare system?
Do you want to play a meaningful role in an innovative, community-oriented union?
Do you like tackling big challenges and projects?
Are you looking for a dynamic team environment where you have opportunities to grow and develop your leadership skills?
Are you committed to helping others unlock and develop their own potential to lead and improve the world around them?

Yes? Great, we’d love for you to check out SEIU United Healthcare Workers-West (SEIU-UHW).

SEIU-UHW is a powerful, cutting-edge union of healthcare workers leading for better health, quality care, and good jobs. With more than 90,000 members working in nearly every part of the healthcare industry, we are the pre-eminent front-line voice on healthcare in California. SEIU-UHW members have a bold strategy to improve healthcare workers’ standard of living and make California the healthiest state in the nation, but we can only make it happen with you. We are seeking great organizers to build, support and develop teams of SEIU-UHW member leaders who:

  • Fight to improve California’s drastically underfunded Medi-Cal system and create an affordable, accessible and high-quality healthcare system for all;
  • Educate their co-workers about the issues facing working people and our healthcare system and recruit them to take action;
  • Educate policymakers about health and healthcare issues, mobilize voters, and raise money for political action to transform healthcare and strengthen healthcare jobs;
  • Mobilize their co-workers behind contracts that provide a rising standard of living for healthcare workers while embracing change, quality and the shared mission of healthcare employers;
  • Provide high quality, on-the-job representation to their co-workers based in the power and expertise of healthcare workers representing other healthcare workers;
  • Work to create a healthy workforce through collective incentives to take health screenings and reduce the causes of chronic conditions;
  • Reach out to non-unionized healthcare workers to bring them into our movement.

Successful candidates have a deep commitment to social justice, cultural diversity and an unwavering enthusiasm for bold social change work. Candidates must be able to inspire, challenge and develop workers into leaders, to lead teams and effectively communicate with others. Personal initiative, independent judgment, accountability, planning and organizational skills, and a willingness to embrace new technologies are required. Bilingual skills are preferred.

Working to transform California’s healthcare system often means long and irregular hours, from meeting with hospital workers on the night-shift to helping to enroll community members into healthcare on the weekend. Valid driver license and insurance are required. Please note: This is not a traditional business agent position focused on servicing members.

SEIU-UHW offers a competitive salary based on experience, generous benefits including fully paid family healthcare and a defined benefit pension, and a work environment that values team building, diversity and a culture of feedback and development.

SEIU-UHW is an affirmative action employer and encourages applications from all qualified candidates regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, marital status, religion, or disability.

So, are you ready? If yes, bring you passion and expertise our way and apply now!

To Apply
Please submit cover letter, résumé and at least 3 references to our candidate portal at

Service Employees International Union-United Healthcare Workers West (SEIU-UHW) is one of the largest unions of hospital workers in the western United States, with 90,000 members. Our members are frontline caregivers, including respiratory care practitioners, dietary, environmental services and nursing staff who keep Californians healthy. We live and work throughout California: from the Bay Area to Sacramento and Los Angeles to the Central Valley. Our union of healthcare workers is driven to improve the healthcare system. Our mission is to provide quality care for all patients, expand access to excellent, affordable healthcare for all Californians and improve living standards for all workers. The majority of SEIU-UHW members work in the state’s largest private sector hospitals and clinics, including Kaiser Permanente, Dignity Health, Sutter Health, Tenet, Prime Healthcare and Verity Health.

WHEN APPLYING: Be sure to indicate that you saw this information at UNIONJOBS.COM.

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