Co-Director : Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee

Workers' Dignity

Workers’ Dignity


Based in Nashville, TN

Workers’ Dignity, a successful, 8-year old multi-racial, multi-lingual worker center based in Nashville, Tennessee is seeking qualified applications for a shared Co-Director position.

Founded in 2010, Workers’ Dignity is a worker-led center organizing for economic justice and dignity for all! Workers’ Dignity is developing solutions to wage theft and the systemic abuse of workers by building power through relationships with fellow low-wage workers and allies and by taking collective action.

Nashville has a deep history of resistance, rich cultural diversity, amazing music, and a growing movement of organizations fighting for racial and economic justice. WEB DuBois’ statement that “As the South goes, so goes the nation” has never been more true than now. The South is both the testing ground for reactionary attacks on our communities and the soil from which grassroots organizations are rising to build worker power. Changing the political climate in the South is critical to changing the course of this country. Join this dynamic moment!

The Co-Director of Workers’ Dignity (WD) will bring visionary, strategic, and leadership guidance to a growing organization with a staff of 8-10. The Co-Director will share management and fund development tasks with another Co-Director and an operations and fundraising team as well as supervise several staff, plan and support successful issue campaigns and provide support to Membership Assemblies and leadership Steering Committee, which provide overall direction and governance of Workers’ Dignity. Each Co-Director will have very clearly defined and distinct areas of responsibility.


  • Ensures the organizational, operational, legal and financial health and effectiveness of Workers’ Dignity.
  • Shares responsibility for overseeing, interpreting and implementing organizational policy, and ensuring the overall success and effectiveness of the organization in advancing its mission.
  • Helps build and supervise an effective staff to advance the goals of WD. Attracts, retains and motivates a diverse, top quality staff committed to advancing the mission.
  • Ensures that staff members receive the evaluation, training, support, supervision and leadership development that they need to succeed; and divides and assigns work effectively.
  • Maintains an organizational culture that fosters positive staff relations, attracts, keeps, and motivates a diverse, top quality staff and advances an organizational culture that supports work/life balance.
  • Supports staff and leaders to design and implement winning campaigns which improve the lives and working conditions of low-wage workers as well as build the membership base of WD.
  • Ensures and maintains a diverse and sustainable funding base to carry out the mission and priorities; establishes and maintains relationships with funders and donors; cultivates new funding sources including grassroots funding; and ensures that grant commitments are met. Works closely with the team on fundraising.
  • Ensures WD has a unifying vision and a long-range strategy and plan aligned with its mission, and that WD is making impact and progress on its vision.
  • Ensures campaigns, programs, fundraising and operation are aligned with the mission and long-range vision.
  • Recruits, supports and maintains a diverse Steering Committee of elected leaders. Ensures the Steering Committee is kept fully informed on the condition of the organization and all important factors affecting it.
  • Ensures strong support for leadership development throughout the organization and campaigns
  • Proactively positions the organization and advances WD reputation in the fields in which it works. Develops and maintains positive relationships with key allies and decision makers.
  • Ensures that the activities of the organization, its programs and goals are publicized and well positioned.
  • Stays current with significant, relevant trends and developments in the movement.


  • Proven, effective leadership development, supervision, staff development and management skills.
  • 5 or more years of experience with grassroots organizing, ideally worker organizing and successful coalition building.
  • Significant experience with campaign leadership and fundraising, including success with foundations and experience with grassroots fundraising.
  • Track record of successful work with multi-lingual, multi-racial organizations.
  • Track record of successful issue campaign planning and execution, including direct action tactics.
  • Respect for and willingness to learn from differing perspectives, voices, and backgrounds.
  • Clear, persuasive communicator and networker.
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills.
  • Excellent personal, organizational and time management skills; capacity to manage multiple priorities; and accountability to goals.
  • Team worker who will roll up their sleeves with staff, be resourceful and creative to get the job done.
  • Passion for and deep experience in supporting leadership development from the base, base building and building worker power.
  • Demonstrated commitment to economic, racial and social justice.

Strong preference for people of color, bilingual (English/Spanish is preferred), experience with worker organizing, including persons who come from the base, familiarity with working in the South or conservative-dominate areas. Women, gender non-conforming, people of color, and immigrants are strongly encouraged to apply!

SALARY: $50,000 year (plus medical, dental and vision insurance/PPO for staff & dependents with no monthly premium)

EMPLOYMENT STATUS: Fulltime, regular, exempt.

Send cover letter and résumé via email to the Hiring Committee at:

Position open until filled. Interviews will be on a rolling basis.

WHEN APPLYING: Be sure to indicate that you saw this information at UNIONJOBS.COM.

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