Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist – PQLC : District of Columbia

Solidarity Center

Solidarity Center

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Specialist – PQLC

Based in Washington, DC

The Solidarity Center is the largest U.S.-based international worker rights organization. Its programs are based on the principle that, by exercising their right to freedom of association and forming trade unions and democratic worker rights organizations, working people can collectively improve their workplaces, call on governments to uphold laws and protect human rights, and be a force for democracy, social justice and inclusive economic development. Its programs in more than 60 countries focus on human and worker rights awareness, union skills, occupational safety and health, gender equality, migration and human trafficking and pro-legal strategies, as well as bolster workers in an increasingly informal economy. Founded in 1997 by the AFL-CIO to tackle the enormous challenges workers face in the global economy, the Solidarity Center works to promote democratic rights and respect for workers; raise public awareness about abuses of the world’s most vulnerable workers; and, above all, help the world’s workers secure a voice in their societies and the global economy.

Purpose: The Solidarity Center seeks a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Specialist to collaborate with HQ and field staff in the design and implementation of M&E plans; develop resources and provide technical guidance and training on methodologies and data collection tools; build HQ and field staff capacity; strengthen monitoring systems; contribute to strengthening the Solidarity Center’s MEL community of practice; and advance knowledge management and organizational learning. International travel is expected for this position.

Project Design, and Performance Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Provide technical assistance to program staff on the design of theories of change and logic models for assigned programs and on the selection of appropriate methodologies and tools to gather data and to measure progress and impact
  • Contribute to the development of key M&E documents (logic models, performance monitoring and evaluation plans, M&E narratives, etc.), including the identification and use of appropriate indicators, and ensure compliance with funder requirements and Solidarity Center needs, as well as consistency with technical approach in proposal and/or work plan
  • Review and provide feedback on M&E data reports (e.g., performance monitoring plans) prior to submission to funder, and support quantitative analysis and visualization of data with an eye for highlighting results and impact
  • Review any data sets required to be submitted to funders
  • Provide guidance throughout program life cycle on monitoring efforts, data quality and collection protocols, documentation of results, as well as on data quality assessments and external evaluations of programs
  • Support the establishment and enhancement of performance monitoring systems in the field
  • Design and conduct training for field offices to ensure data collection and quality standards, documentation and reporting are in accordance with funder requirements and the Solidarity Center’s information needs to demonstrate progress and impact
  • Contribute to internal MEL community of practice

MEL Lead for Assigned Programs

  • Serve as MEL Specialist (key personnel) for the DRL-funded global award as well as for other assigned programs
  • In collaboration with the Senior Adviser for MEL, assess M&E requirements of DRL global award and ensure the systematic collection and reporting of quality and relevant data across programs
  • Aggregate and analyze data for global award and other assigned programs, and present data in reports

MEL Resources

  • Design or adapt quantitative and qualitative data collection tools for use in Solidarity Center programs, and provide training and guidance to staff on their use
  • In conjunction with Senior Adviser for MEL, contribute to development of toolkit of MEL resources – standard procedures, data collection tools and quality standards, training manuals and guides, etc. – for use throughout project life cycle that can be accessed online
  • Support adoption of innovations and keep approaches and tools up to date, including data analysis, storage and collection tools, such as mobile data technology solutions
  • Collaborate with program staff, specialists and Senior Adviser for MEL to document and share best practices, lessons learned and success stories across programs to foster organizational learning and capture impact
  • Contribute to knowledge management system
  • Contribute to development of roster of technical experts who can provide as-needed short-term assistance to programs (baseline assessments, mid-term or final evaluations, etc.)

Research and Evaluation

  • Assist with the design and implementation of research and evaluation, as required
  • Review and provide feedback on final research reports, and internal and external evaluation reports, as required

Community Engagement

  • Represent the Solidarity Center and participate in working groups and community discussions on MEL
  • Engage with counterparts at funders and peer organizations, particularly with democracy, rights and governance groups

Other duties as assigned.


  • Minimum of 10 years of relevant experience preferred, including supporting the development of program logic, designing M&E framework and plans for labor/social justice/human rights/civil society programs, developing MEL resources, providing training and guidance throughout program life cycle, and fostering organizational learning
  • Master’s degree in social science, social justice, human rights, international relations or related field
  • Fluency in English (verbal and written)
  • Previous experience working in an international organization that focuses on labor, social justice, human rights or civil society strengthening
  • Previous experience developing M&E plans for U.S. government (USG) and non-USG funders; familiarity with M&E requirements specifically for DOS/DRL, USAID and DOL preferred
  • Previous experience contributing to a MEL community of practice preferred
  • Previous experience working overseas preferred
  • Proficiency in a second language preferred

Desired Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

  • Knowledge of programs related to worker and human rights, civil society strengthening, equality and inclusion, labor migration and human trafficking, safety and health, trade union strengthening and/or informal economy
  • Experience in monitoring and evaluating labor/social justice/human rights/civil society programs, in using participatory M&E approaches and in providing guidance on the design and implementation of research projects
  • Familiarity with paper and mobile data collection, and cloud-based data management, analysis and visualization
  • Demonstrated ability to use qualitative and quantitative data and findings to inform programs and knowledge management
  • Experience in designing and delivering in-person and on-line M&E workshops
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to interact and collaborate with host country-based, HQ and funder staff
  • Experience and presence necessary to represent the Solidarity Center effectively in public fora and in private meetings with funders, partner organizations, and national and international organizations
  • Excellent writing skills in English to effectively create clear and concise documents and/or guidelines, and strong oral communication skills to effectively present information, respond to inquiries and conduct training
  • Strong analytical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Flexibility in responding to changing work priorities, ability to work independently and in a team environment
  • Willingness and ability to travel overseas to conduct training or assessments, or participate in program monitoring and evaluation efforts
  • Good sense of humor a plus

This position is contingent upon DRL approval of the candidate for this key personnel position.

The Solidarity Center is an equal employment opportunity employer that does not discriminate against any person employed or seeking employment based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, disability, veteran status or any other status protected under applicable law.

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