Legislative Director : District of Columbia, Kansas, Washington
Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace
IFPTE Local 2001
Legislative Director
The primary location of this position will be in one of SPEEA’s offices
(Tukwila, Washington; Everett, Washington; or Wichita, Kansas)
SPEEA is a professional labor union headquartered in Seattle Washington that represents technicians, engineers and pilots in the aerospace industry.
SUMMARY: Responsible for supporting SPEEA’s legislative and labor delegate committees, helping establish and advance SPEEA’s public policy positions, coordinating with other labor unions and civil society partners, engaging SPEEA members in the legislative process and serving as the union’s liaison to local, state and federal public officials & agencies and candidates for public office. The primary location of this position will be in one of SPEEA’s offices (Tukwila, Washington, Everett Washington, or Wichita Kansas).
Internal Support:
- Provide staff support for SPEEA’s three Legislative & Public Affairs Committees;
- Provide staff support for SPEEA’s Labor Delegates Committee;
- Organize SPEEA members to testify, meet with policy makers, and turn out for public events;
- Provide research, analysis, reports and advice to SPEEA members and leaders regarding public policies and recommended policy positions;
- Internal organizing with members to align SPEEA positions with member sentiment;
- Coordinate annual state and Washington, D.C. lobby trips for SPEEA members, including scheduling meetings, writing position papers and ensuring members are versed on issues and protocols;
- Coordinate internal activities that generate participation in the IFPTE’s Legislative Education Action Program Political Action Committee (LEAP-PAC);
- Work with the Communications Department to provide written legislative updates, position papers and action alerts to the membership;
- Provide reports to the Executive Board, Council Representatives and at lunchtime meetings as needed;
- Seek opportunities for SPEEA members to serve on advisory committees in the Community & Technical College system and in other capacities.
External Relations:
- Serve as primary liaison between SPEEA and public officials, including articulating SPEEA positions, facilitating meetings with SPEEA member constituents and representing SPEEA in meetings with policy makers and their staff;
- Represent SPEEA on select public policy, aerospace, and/or labor related coalitions, boards and commissions;
- Facilitate collaboration with other labor unions and organizations toward mutually shared objectives;
- Oversee external lobbyist contracts as needed;
- Respond to inquiries for SPEEA support from candidates for public office and initiative campaigns.
Position requires basic knowledge of aerospace and technical policy issues; must have substantive knowledge of legislative processes, advocacy/lobbying techniques/strategies, legislative strategy, and the policymaking process.
This position supports legislative advocacy work at the local, state and federal levels with some travel primarily between Washington state, Kansas, and Washington DC.
Position requires experience in legislative, campaign, and lobbying work at the national, state and/or grassroots level.
This position is represented by Teamsters Local 763 and has a highly competitive pay and benefits package.
Submit by email a letter of interest and résumé with an emphasis on your external organizing experience including a list of campaigns you’ve been involved in to: Robin Fleming at: robinf@speea.org.
SPEEA is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to the principle of diversity and is particularly interested in receiving applications from a broad spectrum of people.
WHEN APPLYING: Be sure to indicate that you saw this information at UNIONJOBS.COM.
Job Posting Courtesy of UnionJobs.com