Business Representative – United School Employees of Pasco (AFT Local 3600) : Florida
USEP Business Representative
230-Day Contract
Based in Pasco County, FL
The United School Employees of Pasco (AFT Local 3600) is accepting applications for the position of USEP Business Representative. This is a 230-day/11 month position with the annual salary being prorated throughout the year over twenty-six bi-weekly pay periods.
The USEP is a wall-to-wall public sector union that represents teachers and education staff professionals (bus drivers, instructional assistants, food & nutrition, custodial, secretaries, etc.) in Pasco County, Florida. The USEP has over 3,700 members and 85 worksites.
General Duties: Represent union members in the resolution of job-related issues/grievances; work to improve salaries, economic benefits and working conditions for bargaining unit members through the collective bargaining and political process; promote membership in USEP; provide information and resource materials for members; assist in the training of building representatives; and work effectively and cooperatively with the USEP president, officers, Executive Board members, local union members and staff.
Required Qualifications: Strong oral and written communication skills, knowledge of public employee unions and current education issues, self-motivated, ability to work effectively with others, strong computer/technology skills.
Desired Qualifications: Advanced degree(s), experience in collective bargaining, conflict resolution, consensus building, organizing, and problem solving, ability to analyze budgets, interpret laws and regulations, social media and website skills, mentoring/coaching and/or training experience, political lobbying experience, organizing/mobilizing experience, teaching experience, bilingual. Prior union staff experience highly desired.
Salary and Benefits: Based upon 8-hour day, 230 days per year, salary dependent upon experience and placement upon USEP professional staff salary schedule. Insurance, retirement, and leave provisions as defined in the USEP/UAW Master Contract.
How to Apply: Please send your cover letter and résumé by clicking on the link provided below –
Position to remain open until filled.
Equal Employment opportunity and all are encouraged to apply.
WHEN APPLYING: Be sure to indicate that you saw this information at UNIONJOBS.COM.
Job Posting Courtesy of